Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Prep Work

It's almost midnight.  Jazzy is resisting sleep.  Costume College starts tomorrow.  Pfaugh.

That said, I've got everything packed and ready to go for the first part of the Victorian Corset class tomorrow.  And after stressing myself into a mini meltdown earlier today (fueled in part by obviously sleeping hella wrong on my left shoulder and painkillers doing nada to help), the fairy wing wires situation has been resolved.  I borrowed my father's boltcutters, we dug the wire spools out of the garage, and measured and cut new wing wires this evening.  I've folded them at the midpoints, and my plans for tomorrow morning involve shaping them to the wings.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


My first teaching class at this Costume College is the Fairy Wings class.  I pulled my wings out tonight.  Hey, I even found the pattern for one of the sets, sweet bonus!

I cannot find the wing wires for either set.

The class is on Saturday.

Wonderful Husband, fortunately, has his chill about this because I do not have mine.  We have more wire in the garage, he says.  I just need to figure out how much I need cut for each set.

Meanwhile I'm still going though an internal monologue that consists of swear words and self-blame and more swear words.  Did not need this additional stressor right now.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Icky Sicky

As the title implies, yes, I've been sick.  The whole house has been sick.  We're going onto week 2 of the summer cold/flu.  Blargh.  Blargh, I say!

Plus this coming weekend is Costume College.  So I've been focusing on prep for that.  I do not have any costumes this year.  I'm hoping, really hoping, that making a Victorian Corset in the all-day Friday workshop will kickstart something for me.  Because I would really, really LOVE to get back into that groove.

Saturday I will be teaching a morning class on full-size fabric fairy wings.  Which I taught some years back and couldn't find my handout for when I searched.  Then I realized I had taught it back in the good old handwritten handout days.  So I'm having to transcribe, improve, and search for new images for it, while the baby wants me to hold him so he can bash the keyboard.  Saturday afternoon I'm teaching a 1950s petticoats workshop, and thank goodness, all the prep for that is done, signed, sealed, ready.  And Sunday afternoon I'll be teaching a machine quilting class.  I'd like to revise the slideshow and handout for it, but if I can't, it's solid, just... more repetitive than I'd like.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Making Things

As proof that quilts aren't the only thing I make, here's the icebox cake I did for my uncle and aunt's Fourth of July party:

And, of course, I got the quiet quilt finished:

The center four squares are each a quarter inch smaller than the others, so the center of the sashing is half an inch wider than the rest of it.  It's bound in the same gold as the corner blocks.  I didn't think to take a picture of the back, but it's another pale print with two green strips on the sides to make up the width.  I measured and mathed, but no matter how I plotted, I just didn't have enough of that pale artist print to make up the whole back.  Alas.

And, at the other end of the color spectrum, this is my current project:

My friend Jill had given me a whole bunch of offcuts from medical scrubs.  Veterinary scrubs, I suspect, given they all have animal prints.  But among the varying pieces were a whole bunch of nearly equilateral triangles of these three prints.  I measured the smallest, counted the pieces, and printed up some triangular graph paper to figure out if I had enough to make anything.  And, as it happened, what I had makes up a baby quilt.  It's roughly 39"x45".  So I trimmed and sewed and this is the result.

As Wonderful Husband put it, not fabrics I would have chosen to put together.  But they were freebies and it's been a fast project,  Plus I haven't worked much with equilateral triangles before.  I think it was a line from Full Metal Panic that went "Everything is experience." :)  I'm trying to decide what fabric to use as a backing.  These are my quick and fast pulls from the stash:

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Go Me!

A very late post (oh crap, it's past midnight already?!) and I may regret this tomorrow, but I pushed through and got the quiet quilt completely quilted today.  Hooray!  Tomorrow will be trimming and binding and other fun things, but it's a jazzy kind of high to know I can get things done like this.

For now, turning off the computer, guiding Wonderful Husband away from his new Switch and his new Zelda game, and hieing off to bed.