Saturday, August 29, 2020

Chicken Woes

 This morning, as I got back from my walk, I heard something distressing: one of our chickens, making its first attempt at crowing.

Chickoletta, the French Wheaten Marans (ie, the expensive [$15] chick) is now confirmed to be a rooster.  Which I'd been wondering at, as she (he) was not the right colors to be a hen.  But I'd hoped maybe she (he) was a different colorway of Marans.  She (he) doesn't have spurs... but no.

Even though all the lots are a full acre, as opposed to the 1/5th acre we had in Anaheim, we still live in a housing tract.  And even though the HOA (which forbids poultry and livestock) seems to be defunct, it's terribly rude to our neighbors to keep a crowing rooster.

So I took the above picture and put a free ad up on Craigslist.  And I have a taker for pickup tomorrow morning.

But I'm still annoyed.  I really wanted some dark dark brown eggs. :(

Friday, August 28, 2020

Some Stitching Has Been Done

 Squiddle had his eye exam last week, and the eyepatches have helped his amblyopia quite a lot - his vision in his weaker eye has improved to something like 20/40!  So not all the way there yet, but good progress has been made!

Also last week I went on a digging through bins expedition in the garage, and found a few projects.  First up was a couple bundles of pirate themed things I'd been collecting together.  Part of one was thirteen ship blocks I'd won in the Orange Grove Quilt Guild a couple years ago.  And there was a remnant and a yard of fabric that went well with them, so I checkerboarded them together:

The ships were sailing two different directions, so I put the east-bound ones on odd lines and the west-bound ones on even lines.  Then I did a 2" border from two fat quarters that were in the bundles:

A closeup of the border fabric so you can see why I needed to include it.  Ship's wheels!:

And for the finale, a 12" border of three different JoAnns remnants and a thrift store purchase, all of the same skull and crossbones material:

The quilt is about 87" square, if memory serves, and I have enough leftover of both the skull and crossbones fabric, and the nautical fabric, to make pillowcase borders, though not enough for them to be the full pillowcases.  The extra block can go on the back, as a label.  Squiddle thinks this quilt should be for him, but Wonderful Husband and I both think it should be for my dad.

The next project I found was leftovers, sort of, from a quilt I made for my mom when she found out she had cancer.  I'd made 100 blue/white 16-patch blocks, and used 49 of them in that quilt, so I still had 51 left!  I pulled other fabrics in the yellow-to-orange colorway, and laid this out:

In hindsight, I wish there had been more of a color difference between yellow #2 and yellow #3, because in this picture they seem to be the same.  But they look quite different from less than six feet away, and since they were already cut I didn't want to dig more for something better that I might not even have.  I've got the rows half sewn, and after this is all together (about 79" square IIRC), I'm planning a blue/orange/blue six inch border.  The yellows and oranges have enough left over for pillowcases, and the two extra blocks can go on the back.  Not sure yet who this one is for.

In other news, I picked enough blackberries the other day that I made a pie, which we're still working through, and I also turned a large zucchini into chocolate cupcakes, but the recipe made 34 of them!  So I gave a dozen to our neighbors who have three kids.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Around 5:30 this morning, Jazzy came into our room, wanting to be tucked back into bed.  Around 6, he came in again and just ended up snuggled in between Wonderful Husband and myself.  Which I don't mind that much, in theory, but he doesn't stay in the dead center, no, he has to sleep on Mummy's side.  Which means Mummy gets half a pillow and half the amount of duvet she had before, and, really, I did not sleep well after that point.

Today was also a run-around day.  After my walk/run and shower this morning, I put chicken sabzi in the crock pot for dinner, then went to Stokes Auction to pick up the items I'd won (a bedside table for me, a rug that turns out to not be the color it was on the listing, some hanging pots that were a lot smaller than I thought, and a vintage Fantasia coloring book).  Then I headed to Michaels to get a framing issue dealt with.  Then to Wilco to purchase a 6' orchard ladder since they were on sale and having one will be most helpful with the wall of blackberries on the west side of our house.  Then I put petrol in the car, picked up a prescription refill, and went home for lunch.  And that was my morning!

This afternoon I picked up my order from the farm co-op: blueberries, peaches, nectarines, and a couple varieties of garlic to try.  I figured that since there was a playground at the civic center (where the pickup happens) and I've never seen kids playing on it at that time, I should take the boys with so they could get some time outside the house and with a change of scenery.  They ended up doing a lot of running around and finding dandelions to blow on.  And I also knew at the back of the green area behind the playset, there were blackberry bushes....

With a bit of help from the boys (who have both decided they love blackberries, though Jazzy will not touch blueberries, go figure), I picked this:

I figure that will keep us in nibbles for a few days, and maybe a pie, who knows?

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Walking and Stitching

 About two weeks ago, I moved the bathroom scale out of the corner where it sat hidden and neglected, and to a spot where I would actually see and step on it daily.

I did not like the number it gave me.  I did not like it rather a lot.  So that, combined with jeans fitting too tightly, or not at all, has spurred me into a new habit: I get up, feed the cat, get dressed, feed the chickens, and go walk five laps around the block, which theoretically adds up to two miles.  It takes about fifty minutes, and I'm giving myself one morning off a week.  Today, now that my body is used to that routine, I kicked it up a little and jogged the downhill stretches, which added up to about half a mile.  I am so woefully out of shape, but I know if I dive in head-first I will (a) regret it, and (b) not stick with it.  So a little bit at a time, and minding what I eat a bit better, with that daily weigh-in for me to keep in mind.

I also actually started doing some sewing again yesterday!  I attended Costume College's virtual retreat a week ago, which was essentially three Zoom classes, and picked up a couple interesting tips and tricks, but what I started sewing yesterday were quilt block pieces I had already cut out.

I finished these two yellow Crown of Thorns blocks.

And started stitching on another six blue ones.  Plus a 4" pine tree block because I've decided I'd like to get that wall hanging done by Christmas.