Monday, April 17, 2023

Quilts, Done!

Friday evening, I finally took the last stitch on the binding for Squiddle's annual quilt, and tossed it through the wash with three color catchers.  They all came out a lovely crimson color!  So now both the boys have their quilts on their beds.  First, Squiddle's:

He wanted to rearrange the furniture in his room a week or so ago, so now his bed can be accessed from either side.  Which at least makes making the bed easier in the mornings!  Each square finishes at 2.5", so the quilt was 87.5" square before washing and drying, which probably tightened it up a bit.

And since Squiddle finally got his quilt, so did Jazzy:

A bit more cosmopolitan and grownup, perhaps?  But he asked for black and white and red and triangles, so that's what he got.  I don't have the measurements to hand, but I think it's a touch wider and a touch shorter than the other one.