A few weeks ago we went waterfall hunting up the Olympic Peninsula and found two. Ludlow Falls was less than impressive (though the walk through old growth forest was indeed very nice on a hot day), but Rocky Brook Falls is a new favorite! Just enough scrabbling over boulders to keep Squiddle and Jazzy entertained, and their parents stretched.
Next time we'll bring swimsuits and be prepared to at least do wading in that lovely pool at the bottom. And there was a neat branch fence in the parking area:
Meantime, I have been working away at the cross-stitch project, and Santa nutcracker actually looks like a Santa now.
I have only the white to do (cuffs, beard and whiskers, hat bobble), and then the backstitching. Maybe I'll have him done by next weekend?
The garden is beginning to produce cucumbers. My raspberries are all done in for the year, but right on time the blackberry bushes are finally ripening. We've found a new use for the McDonalds Halloween Happy Meal buckets we got last year, as the boys and I went and picked in the bushes in the far corner of the tract last night. Well, Squiddle and I used our buckets. Jazzy just conveyed the berries directly into his mouth. ^_^