Since I'd finished the Tumblers quilt, yesterday I decided to move on to the next project: a braided wallhanging top in Christmas fabrics that was in a bag of strips I got at Costume College. I pressed that and the backing, and made a Frankenbatt of three strips of batting from my basket of batting scraps (I hand-stitched them together). I also cut strips for the binding and hanging sleeve from the excess backing fabric. Got the quilt layered and basted, hauled the Singer 15 table over by my sewing desk, and spent a good portion of the evening doing free-motion quilting. Project quilted! Following that, I trimmed it up (more rotary cutter work), hauled the 15 table back to its place, and tidied everything away. Now I just need to put on a binding... and a label... and a hanging sleeve....
In any case, here's the tumblers quilt!
Bright and scrappy, with some dark to let the eye rest. There are actually two spots where the same fabric meets up to make hourglasses. Oops! I made this one nice and wide and long so neither of us ends up quiltless. I don't tend to make my bed quilts long enough for pillow tucks, though. I like to see the pillows! And the pillowcases do actually kind of go with the quilt... well, I used a bit of the main fabric on the scrappy binding. Good enough!
And then, of course, as soon as Mummy and Daddy abandoned the bed this morning, it was seized in the invasion of the bed snatchers....