So. I actually sewed some! I'd taken home ten leftover 9" quilt blocks from our last guild charity sew-in. I figured, if I made two more and sashed them and put on a border, it would make a decent size donation quilt top. Except the one border turned into four borders, but I am actually reasonably proud of it because I think it works well and I pulled everything from the charity scrap boxes. But! I don't have a picture of it yet.
This would be because we're supposed to have gotten out heat pump installed today. Which meant hauling all the boxes of my fabric and costume stuffs out to the barn. But that got done! And then we just needed to move the five big pots (four roses, one horseradish) along the back wall over to the side of the house, so the heat pump could go where they were.
We got two moved before I discovered the in-ground wasps' nest.
The hard way.
I got three or four stings out of it (three locations but one hurt a lot more than the others, so maybe I got stung twice there?) and we retreated indoors, calling (a) the installers, and (b) the pest control people.
So our furnace got replaced today, but the heat pump itself will have to wait until the end of the month. The pest control people will be out on Tuesday.
And as I was watering various things this evening, I found two more in-ground wasps' nests, also near the house!
Fortunately, I am not allergic and the pain is mostly gone. And in the process of moving stuff from the garage, I found a half-finished cross stitch kit I'd bought at my guild's Sewing Room Sale, and have started work on it. I try hard not to be catty about other crafters' work, but let's just say the back is nowhere near as neat as the front.
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