So, I posted about seeing coyotes on Sunday morning. On Monday morning, driving my boys to their bus stops, we saw another on the short street that leads into our tract. It was clearly a different one because it had brown fur. I tried to get a picture, but it disappeared into the brush before I could get my phone camera trained on it. Still, the boys were very excited! Haven't seen any since.
Also, the reason I drive my boys to their bus stops is that despite going to the same school, they ride different buses! Squiddle tested into the district's advanced program, so he doesn't go to our local school but one about 10-15 minutes' drive in the other direction. Jazzy wanted to go to the same school as his brother, so we applied for a transfer for him, and got it. (I'm actually quite pleased; theirs is the only school in the district with a dedicated art teacher.) But only students in the advance program can ride that bus. So we were going to have to drive Jazzy to school each day. BUT! Since he has a speech delay, he has an IEP so he gets to ride on the IEP bus. The problem is that the two buses arrive, morning and afternoon, about 30 minutes apart. So it's easiest for me to take both of them at the same time, and keep them contained and entertained within the car. Lately I've been reading Elephant in the Kitchen aloud while we wait for Jazzy's bus, and he seems to be enjoying it. And in the afternoon, I do my own reading while waiting for the buses.
So, sewing-wise, I finished the Ugly 9-Patch top!
I had enough of the two greens left to cut and start sewing a pair of matching pillowcases. I still need to piece a backing. I found six yards of a lime green print in my stash that I have no idea when/how/why I acquired it, as well as a yard of a green-peas-on-white print that I will never use and want to get rid of. So tomorrow I will piece those into a backing, and then worry about basting and quilting things.
Today, I've been focusing on writing. I am posting about 4000 words a week on my story, and as of last night I only had about 1200 done. Currently at 4490 words, and am calling the chapter done. Victory!