Thursday, July 11, 2024

Surfacing For Air

Between the boys being on summer vacation and me working on outfits for Costume College (t-minus one week) I haven't been posting.  My apologies!  But I've finally finished the first of my three outfits: Roman matron's garb.

The base layer is an Ionic chiton, best explained by this image: 

It's hand-sewn out of some linen I bought from Fabric Mart that turned out to be a striped sage green rather than the striped deep emerald my monitor showed it as.  The outer layer is a stola, which indicated a married woman, made out of some 100% linen from my stash.  I got it about a decade ago at a Joanns that was closing, for the bargain price of $1.69/yard!  The stola was also entirely handsewn, and really the only difference is that it has two buttons at the shoulders instead of eight.  If I wanted to change up the look, I could switch the buttons on the two.

And the cording is lucet cord made out of crochet cotton.  I'd started it many many years ago and finally finished the length of cotton in time for this project.  Not the most glamorous outfit, but it's certainly comfy!

Now, to finish the last 10% each of the other two outfits...

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