Sunday, August 18, 2019

Busy Week

As you may imagine, after having bought a house on Monday, we've been busy moving into it!

For a certain value of "into."

We're still living at the apartment, mostly.  But our possessions have been getting boxed up and carted over.  My car (a Honda Fit) doesn't hold much - six to nine boxes - on account of having two car seats in it.  Wonderful Husband's vehicle, the same model as mine only a few years newer, can hold a lot more because he can put the back seats down.  And my sister's car (a Honda Pilot) is positively cavernous!  So between us three we completely emptied the storage unit (oh god, so many boxes marked "books"... and so, so many marked some variation of "fabric" and/or "quilting supplies"... if we ever move again, I swear I am donating my entire fabric stash first) save for the potting bench my dad made me a couple years ago.  For that, we had to rent a truck.

Which actually neatly dovetailed with my attending the Stokes Auction for the first time this month!  I had spied two pieces I particularly wanted.  This sofa and this table.  And I got them both, the sofa for a LOT less than I think it's worth.  But there was no way the sofa would fit into a Fit, so the truck rental did double pickup duty.

The sofa needs recovering and a touch of cleanup work on the wood.  But it's comfy, solid like you wouldn't believe (weighs a ton; solid wood), and fits all four of us.  Yay!  Something to sit on that's not office or dining chairs!

At this point, tomorrow is ferrying as much of what remains in the apartment over, and then sometime on Tuesday the moving company will show up and handle the big pieces.  Which maybe we could have done ourselves with a rented truck, but when you factor in the dubious help of two small children and us really not looking forward to hauling mattresses and dressers upstairs at the house, is probably worth it.

So come Tuesday night we will finally be sleeping at the new house... touch wood.

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