Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tales From Boxville

Squiddle continues to enjoy school.  Yesterday was his sixth birthday!  So I made rainbow cupcakes, as one does, and took them in for his class.  Turns out district policy is store-purchased stuff only.  Oops!  They made an exception, and now I know for next year.  But he was so excited he practically danced in front of his class and declared it "the best birthday ever!"  He got a ton of Lego, some money from my parents, and his own strawberry pot, complete with strawberry plants.  My mom had wanted to get him a baby chicken, but we don't yet have a setup for chickens.

We've got three bookcases and a 4x4 Kallax unit built in the bonus room, and Wonderful Husband has bolted the bookcases to the wall and added doors, against future incursions by Niecelet, who has the bad habit of grabbing anything she can reach and throwing it on the floor.

I'm itching to sew, but the fabric is all in boxes in the garage and desks and sewing tables still need to be shifted around in the bonus room to final position before I can plug anything in.

ETA: Fourteen and a half boxes of books put away, and I know some of what's still missing  Artbooks, half of my Lois McMaster Bujold books, half of the Temeraire books, etcetera.  I'm hoping they're either in mislabeled boxes, or somewhere out in the garage.  As it is, I haven't even cracked the boxes labeled manga, or kids' books, or sewing/quilting books.

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