Monday, September 14, 2020

Ugly September Skies

 I lost all my spoons for a while.  They're starting to come back.  Long may they stay!

Though my sister says we here in Washington state currently have the worst air quality in the entire country, I personally doubt it.  Though there is a persistent haze here in Gig Harbor (and we're nowhere near the 500-acre 50% contained Sumner fire), the worst sky I've seen has been a faint yellow tinge.  My friends in the California Bay Area have Martian skies!  Not to mention the fact that last week's heat wave got Woodland Hills, CA (where Costume College is held) to a record 121 Fahrenheit!

Oh, but don't worry.  The Cheeto-in-Chief says that climate change isn't real and Californians just need to rake their forest floors better.

(Pardon me for not disguising my disgust.)

Squiddle seems to be doing well at remote learning, though it's frequently a case of gently nudging him away from video and game screens, and back to his schoolwork.  His school is supposed to open back up for kindergarten and first grade students at the end of this month, but we've already opted to continue on with online learning for him.  For Jazzy, we do not have that choice - I can help Squiddle with his schooling, but I cannot help Jazzy learn to speak better.  So we take a risk, but as small a one as we can manage.

Both boys went to the dentist (a new-to-them dentist!) for the first time in a year.  Squiddle got a referral to an orthodontist (one of his adult incisors is coming in twisted) and Jazzy got what they called a "happy visit" meaning a see-our-office-isn't-scary-maybe-next-time-you'll-let-us-examine-your-teeth visit.  At least (sitting on my lap, with the bribe of a toy dangling over his head) he let the dentist look at his teeth with the mirror, and did not throw a fit....

I have finished another quilt top and have it hung in the closet, waiting for me to shift gears to quilting.  This one, I did matching pillowcases and binding, so I'm not worrying about finding the fabric when the time comes.  Meantime, of course, I've moved on to another project I pulled from my stack of them in the garage: a long-overdue Minecraft quilt for Wonderful Husband.

I've also watched the first three episodes of Victorian Farm on Youtube. :)  Interesting stuff, even if they're clearly not 24/7 immersed in the way the narrator would lead you to believe.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I thoroughly enjoyed Victorian Pharmacy, it's both fascinating and relaxing. As you say, it's not exactly 100% immersion, but I really appreciated the informational content. It's the Tudor Monastery Farm for me next :)
