Monday, October 12, 2020

Quick Catch-Up

I've been plodding away at things.  I finished up the flimsy for the quilt I want to give Wonderful Husband for Christmas, and have it waiting in the closet.  Currently the quilts hanging there are:

--for father, flimsy only

--for sister, flimsy + 2 pillowcases + binding

--for husband, flimsy + binding + backing

--for niecelet, flimsy (Goodwill find) + binding, backing in progress

I want to do quilts for Jazzy and Squiddle also, and go through the vintage quilt tops I have and pick one out for my mother.  Whether or not I'll be able to complete all these by Christmas, who knows.  There may have to be some photos and IOUs.

I did also complete the masks I was working on - five for Jazzy, six for Squiddle, and four for Wonderful Husband.

Gardening wise, I pulled the two tomato plants that were done for the year, as well as most of the squashes.  And since the bi-weekly yard waste bin was going out this week, and that was all that was in it, I took the loppers and started whacking back the bushes by the apple trees.  At some points they're twelve feet deep!  So I filled the bin, and hope to again this week.  I'd like to get rid of those bushes and put in some lilacs and hydrangeas where they are.  Also, our neighbor gave me 30 tulip bulbs this morning, so I'm considering where I want those to go.  (And, I need to harvest some apples to give to her and the neighbors across the street....)

We got several inches of rain over the weekend, and I'm amused that the grass where the chicken coop has been is growing back greener and lusher than where it hasn't been.  We shifted them back to starting position this afternoon, and in the process they all escaped!  That was a fun half hour, trying to get all five of them back into the coop.  Eventually we managed, though not before one (Sassafras) took refuge ten feet up in a tree.  No eggs yet, but theoretically they should start laying by next month.  They're in the middle of being transitioned onto layer feed.

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