Thursday, January 26, 2017

Challenge + Obstacles

So, finally, images!

Here we have what I am going to refer to as "the challenge":

My 7' x 7' x 2' wall of fabric and books and patterns and thread and UFOs and just basically sewing STUFF.  Plus my sewing desk and all the stuff heaped atop it.  The fabrics on the left are largely garment fabrics, with some flannels at the top.  The fabrics to the right (including behind the fabric 1976 calendar) are quilting cottons.  The fourth shelf down is all patterns.  And the two under that are my UFO tubs and my smallish vintage sewing machine collection.  I need to sew this stash down to where I can actually get everything on the shelves!  And I did a pretty massive fabric purge last year, so the stuff that's left is the good stuff I want to sew with.

And here we have what I am going to refer to as "the obstacles":

My boys!  The elder, known online as "Squiddle," is three years, four months old.  The younger, "Jazzy," is four months old.  (Their birthdays are three days apart.)  The leisurely life of a stay-at-home-mom (ahahaha!) means that they are my primary concern.

Yet at the same time I am a creative individual, and while I've accepted that my writing is likely on hold for several more years to come, I need SOME creative outlet.  And if I haven't been sewing as long as I've been writing, well, I've at least been doing it for... dear heavens.  Twenty-four years!  But, regardless, I need a creative outlet.  And it's a good deal easier to stop in the middle of a seam than in the middle of a sentence.  At least in regards to (a) knowing what the heck you were doing when you get back to it later, and (b) in maintaining momentum.  Sewing a quilt block or a pattern has a fairly comprehensible sequence of events.  Writing a story, not so much.

So, that's my inspiration and, in a different way, my other inspiration.

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