Saturday, June 29, 2019

Easy Peasy Wood Reconditioning

So a couple days ago I gave a link to the spoon butter recipe I use.  I use it to keep my wooden kitchen utensils looking happy, and I've also been using it for rehabbing the wood pieces I've found at thrift stores.  I thought I would show you a couple of the bowls and stands I've acquired.

Here's the first one I bought.  I don't have any pre-rehab pictures, but look at all those lovely stripes!  Imagine it as dry, though, with white spots and gummy bits of stuck-on stuff.  And now it's all pretty!

Here's a before picture of another bowl.  Parched looking, with crayon marks.  I buffed out the marks with a dry sponge, then rubbed spoon butter on, inside and out, with my bare hands.

And here it is post-treatment!  I use a paper towel to wipe up the extra spoon butter.  There's not much color change, but the bowl looks much happier now.  Less parched.

And its final (for now) home on the counter, holding some potatoes and onions.  Much nicer looking than just having them sitting there in their plastic sacks from the grocery store. 

I've no idea if these pieces are artisanal hand-made or if they came from Target.  Well, except for the little bowl on the left above, it has "Wild Cherry" hand-written on the bottom.  So that one's probably craftsman-made.

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