Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quince and Auction Finds

Well, the quince pie I tried making was... not quite a disaster, but let's just say that better than half of it ended up in the bin.  The membrillo, on the other hand, turned out quite well.  There's just rather a lot of it.  Well, let's call it a year's supply....  Next I'm going to try a couple recipes from Food in Jars and see how they come out.

Yesterday, despite (still) being sick, I went to the monthly Stokes Auction again.  A lot of the stuff I bid on or wanted to bid on went for more than I wanted to pay, but I did get two things:

A bunch of pots, for all those strawberry runners I keep rooting.  Seriously, I bought two plants and now I have upward of twenty!  And for future patio plant needs.  A lady standing next to me asked if I wanted the piece of pottery painted with a dragon in the rightmost carton.  I didn't particularly, so she gave me a couple dollars for it and said she planned to hide it in a park for kids to find.  $39.

I also got another sofa.  Much smaller than the last one I bought, this actually fit inside my Fit!  But it's sturdy and comfy and I've vacuumed it thoroughly, washed the cushion cover, and reassembled it.  Interestingly, it has four rings on the sides of the cushion cover, and four elasticated hooks on the base, so the cushion hooks in and isn't going anywhere.  And the best part?  It cost $17.  So now there's something in the living room that Wonderful Husband and I can sit on to watch TV.  And the folding metal chairs can go out to the garage.

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