Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Grey Gables Update

All of a sudden fall has descended upon Gig Harbor!  It's cold in the morning and at night, though it does warm up into the 60s during the day.  Consequently, I'm thinking about flannel rag quilts for bundling up in.  (And... not thinking quite as much as I should be about the Double Irish Chain quilt top I just finished.)

Over the weekend I helped Wonderful Husband build a couple of shelving units, and then took it upon myself to finish organizing the garage.  My fabric stash is now somewhat more accessible!  And, more importantly, the boxes are all arranged in two aisles, with all their labels facing outward, so as time goes on and we continue to move in, we'll be able to find and unbox things more easily.

As part of that organizing process, I also spent part of today working on Squiddle's room.  And got it all done! I moved his dresser and laundry hamper moved into his (walk-in) closet, unboxed and sorted the three boxes of his and Jazzy's clothing, moved the box of mostly stuffed toys into the workroom, and switched out his and Jazzy's summer clothing for cool-weather clothing.  (All the while muttering "Uncle Knicknack's summer wardrobe. Uncle Knicknack's winter wardrobe. Uncle Knicknack.")  And I put clean sheets on both boys' beds, and tonight they get baths and clean PJs.  Jazzy's room still needs some organization, but Squiddle's is done until we paint it.  (Knowing Squiddle, he will want it painted pink.)

I'm on like the fourth huge basket of apples from the two trees (one basket each given away to two of our neighbors who don't have apple trees, and some to my sister) with no end in sight.  I've been looking up long-term storage techniques, and, of course, cooking them to make applesauce, apple crisp, apple pie....  Squiddle had an apple festival at school last week, and he loveslovesloves using the apple peeler.  Meantime, there is a farm tour and cider pressing event this weekend, so I'm kind of looking at apple presses on Amazon to get one for our own use.  I've also signed us up for the co-op the local farms run, and will be picking up our first order tomorrow, at the community center near Squiddle's school.  Which has weekly roller skates, among other things!

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