Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Rainy Tuesday

One of Squiddle's current favorite books for a bedtime story is The Lorax.  Which is a problem for me because I always end up crying at the next to last page.  Much as I like to be an optimist, when it comes to things like the environment and climate change, I just can't be.  We've messed up too much and the greedy people with all the money and power don't care.  As a species, we're fucked.

On a slightly happier note (because not much can be more depressing than that), Wonderful Husband and I worked a little on the chicken tractor this evening.  Here it is as we finished:

In the lower right are the "ceiling" joists, which Wonderful Husband cut so that it'll be a thirty-degree angle.  We'll put those on, and the center beam, tomorrow.  And probably the mid beam on the sides.

We also found four of these fellows in the barn!:

The previous owner had mentioned field mice, but this is the first we've actually seen of them.  That beam next to it, BTW, is 1.5", to give a sense of how tiny they are.  Were the chickens fully grown, I would have tossed the mice to them (chickens are not strict herbivores; they will eat bugs, slugs, and mice if they can get them), but instead Wonderful Husband tossed the mice out into the wooded area out back.  Live and let live, unless there's a reason it needs to die.  (Like the wasps off the patio.)

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