Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Walking and Stitching

 About two weeks ago, I moved the bathroom scale out of the corner where it sat hidden and neglected, and to a spot where I would actually see and step on it daily.

I did not like the number it gave me.  I did not like it rather a lot.  So that, combined with jeans fitting too tightly, or not at all, has spurred me into a new habit: I get up, feed the cat, get dressed, feed the chickens, and go walk five laps around the block, which theoretically adds up to two miles.  It takes about fifty minutes, and I'm giving myself one morning off a week.  Today, now that my body is used to that routine, I kicked it up a little and jogged the downhill stretches, which added up to about half a mile.  I am so woefully out of shape, but I know if I dive in head-first I will (a) regret it, and (b) not stick with it.  So a little bit at a time, and minding what I eat a bit better, with that daily weigh-in for me to keep in mind.

I also actually started doing some sewing again yesterday!  I attended Costume College's virtual retreat a week ago, which was essentially three Zoom classes, and picked up a couple interesting tips and tricks, but what I started sewing yesterday were quilt block pieces I had already cut out.

I finished these two yellow Crown of Thorns blocks.

And started stitching on another six blue ones.  Plus a 4" pine tree block because I've decided I'd like to get that wall hanging done by Christmas.

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