Sunday, June 11, 2017


Tweaked my left shoulder this afternoon transferring the baby from his nursies-on-the-rocking-chair-pillow into his crib.  Have taken painkillers and am letting Wonderful Husband do the lion's share of work around the house this evening.

Tomorrow afternoon we have Terminix coming to deal with our flea infestation.  Prepping for this is involving cleaning the floors and putting as much stuff as possible up on beds, tables, counters.  Obviously a lot of the latter can't be done until tomorrow (we need to sleep on the beds, etc.).  Fortunately I did my sewing area before throwing out my shoulder.

That said, I still have at least four more pinwheel blocks to sew (and photograph!) tonight or tomorrow for the guild's BoM.  And my Singer 15 is now closed up and buried under baskets of sewing stuff.  So my plan is to haul the 301 onto the dining table, oil and lube it, and give it a good workout.  It's the machine I've been planning to take to the workshop with Bonnie Hunter this Friday, and I've never actually sewn on it before.  Killing multiple birds with one stone and all that.

But first I need to do more sweeping.

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