Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Witching Hour Approaches

Ah, the costumer's favorite holiday: Halloween!  Approaching fast.  And thus my serger has been dragged out and I am making costumes for little boys and, if time, their daddy and myself as well.  The serger has never gotten a great deal of use, but most of what it has, has been in service of sewing for little boys.  Very handy to not have to finish seams!

Squiddle is now four and when asked what he wants to be for Halloween, declared "A witch!"  And he wants the same for Jazzy, who is one.  And Daddy and I should be wizards.  Apparently this is an age-based dichotomy rather than the usual gender divide?  But whatever.

I hit JoAnns when patterns were a dollar, and pulled some lightweight black probably-linen-and-cotton-blend off my shelves for the boys' costumes.  It's sixty inches wide and like three yards long and it's not enough for both.  Grr!  But I've got Squiddle's cut out and sewn - I am pinning the hems tonight, and then tomorrow he and his daddy can hot-glue stars onto the witch's hat Granny sent him, and that will be all good.

For Jazzy's costume, I've got a very-dark-navy-almost-black that I'll pull and press tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Sewing costumes and gluing stars - what fun! M
