Friday, June 1, 2018

Busy Day

I spent some time working in the garden today, finally getting the herb bed amended, planted, and mulched.  At the end, it looked like this:

The boys and I took some of the scrap bricks and made a little path to the fountain.  Right now there's oregano, two Italian parsleys, a bee balm, a couple clumps of garlic chives, a lemon verbena, and some lemon thyme in there.  The new plants have tomato cages over them to protect them from small boys and cats until they're established.  I'd like to add a lavender plant and some flowers.  And put one of my mint plants in the big planter behind the verbena, now that I've moved the chives out of it and into the bed.  Only two more beds to go!  (Three or four if you count the ones in front of the house....)

I also pulled this project out of the garage:

This is a Singer Featherweight card table I bought at an estate sale many years ago for $8.  It was in rough shape - holes, gouges, duct tape residue all over.  Knowing what it was, I snatched it up for a learning project.  I sanded it down, filled the holes and gouges with wood putty, and set it aside.  For a long time.  Today I pulled it out of the garage, dusted it off, conditioned the wood, and stained it.  The light bits are the "stainable" wood putty.  (It lied.  I've touched the putty up with a brown and a red marker so it blends better now.)  Tomorrow I start putting the first of two poly coats on it.  I don't have a Featherweight, nor am I particularly interested in acquiring one, so I texted my friend Debi and asked her if she was still looking for a Featherweight table.  She is.  So hopefully next week she'll come take a look at it and buy it from me.  Last time I checked they usually go for around $100, so that's what I'm asking.  Given that the sanding, staining, and finishing supplies cost me around $40, it's not as much of a markup as the original purchase cost of the piece might make it seem.

And, finally, this is what's under my needle at the moment.  I've just about run out of the orange thread I've been using to quilt the blocks, though, so I've stopped until I can hit up Joann Fabrics in the morning and get another spool.  Since there's so much blue and green in the nine-patches, that's what colors I pieced together for the back.  And I'm thinking a dark brown print I have, if I have enough, will be perfect for binding it eventually.

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