Sunday, January 13, 2019

Trudging Along...

I'm slowly trudging along with assembling the Spiraling Geese quilt, with 8.5" red string blocks as my leader/enders.  Here's a picture of where I was yesterday afternoon:

It's about as scrappy as I could make it: most of the duplicate blocks have been banished to the back.  I think I like it...?  Looking at this picture I'm less sure.  But regardless, I have three more strips to sew on, and then the top, at least, will be done.

I need to clean up the small heap of stuff by my sewing desk before the house showing today, but I did at least manage to take the old Comic-con booklet I had and cut it into foundation papers for more string blocks.  It's significantly lighter weight paper than the printer sheets I had used for the first two, which will make it much easier to tear the paper off the back later.


  1. Okay, this is the second one of these quilts that I've come across today. Should I be taking it as A Sign? (I do like making flying geese...)
    That's a fantastic scrappy quilt!

    1. Heehee... yeah, I saw the one at today too, and thought it must be cosmic coincidence!

      Mine's actually made from blocks from an exchange I ran in my quilt guild, so it's definitely scrappy! I'm hoping I can finish it up in time for next month's meeting.

      And, thank you for commenting! I sometimes wonder if my writing here is read by anyone, but I guess it sometimes is. Good to know! ^_^
