Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Under The Needle

Part of yesterday's excavations was my sewing nook.  My sister and 11-month-old niece were supposed to (it didn't actually end up happening) stay at our house for a bit while we were out of the country so I had moved stuff to make things inaccessible to inquisitive baby fingers.

While we were in England, I scared myself by starting a list of my UFOs and WIPs.  And I mentally added more to the list yesterday as I shuffled stuff back to uncover the sewing machine.  And I haven't even actually looked in the projects bin yet!  But so I took the thing which was closest to completion and started working on it:

This is a Jacob's Ladder quilt top I picked up for $10 at Costume College last July.  Based on the fabrics, I'm guessing it's from the 1940s.  It's not terribly big, lap quilt size maybe.  I had started quilting it when I volunteered at my guild's booth at the county fair in August.  I had my Baby Lock machine that day, and the one-tenth of the quilt I did was arduous.  So it got set aside until yesterday.

The machine really does make a difference sometimes!  Using my trusty 1952 Singer 15, I moved the quilt from one-tenth quilted to one-third quilted.  Hopefully I'll get more done today, particularly since Squiddle is coughing and sniffing enough that I'm ruling out school for him today...

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