Monday, March 5, 2018


So I've finished the String-X quilt and just need to remember to get Wonderful Husband to hold it so I can post a photo.  And I'm a little over 4/7ths done with quilting what I'm calling the Snuggly Ugly.  It's a 1970s string top that I got in a Goodwill box a couple years back, and... well, let's just say it's not pretty.  Or even particularly well made.  But for some reason I like it, so I've backed it with flannel (pink, that I had like eight yards of, and the rest of which is going to the freebies table at guild next week) and am working my way through it, as Squiddle and Jazzy allow.  I've done nearly twenty patches and mends on it so far, and have found another four (marked with safety pins) during the quilting process.

I'm also trying to do a purge of Stuff.  We (I) have way too much Stuff.  I started with a purge of quilting magazines and books and pulled a decent number to go to guild.  Then I started rearranging my quilting fabric shelves, and... well, that's not going entirely well.  I have a problem with realizing "this fabric is objectively ugly and so I should get rid of it."  And I haven't even touched the garment sewing shelves.

I'm also working on purging other stuff.  Glasses we never use, etc.  How many coffee mugs do two adults actually need?  (I contend four; Wonderful Husband whimpers at fewer than a dozen.) And then there's the stuff in the boys' closet.  Which is full of things that are not theirs, thus leaving little room for the stuff that actually is.  And given how the weather keeps flip-flopping between hot and cold (55 a week ago, kissing 80 today), I can't just stash either winter or summer clothes away, so I need a place to store them!

I've gotten rid of nearly a floor-to-ceiling column in the boys' closet today.  But I'm also out of boxes to put Goodwill donations in.  Dilemma!

Paradoxically to the getting rid of stuff vibe, I've also been spending time and money at the garden center.  Because we would like to move in the next year or two, so in addition to trying to clean up the inside of the house (and reduce the stuff we have to move), I'm also trying to spruce up the outside some.  The stack of boards on the back patio went away via Craigslist, so I have actually amended and planted the two beds that were previously inaccessible.  Next, the kitchen garden.  And pruning roses.  And and and.

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