Looking at the jar of split peas in the pantry the other day, I was struck by a yearning for split pea soup. Which takes having some ham and a hambone. So I bought one. But hams don't come in small - it was over 11 pounds! So I invited my parents and niecelet over for dinner this evening. (I would have invited my sister too, but she was working.) And since there were going to be more than just Wonderful Husband and I here, I made a blackberry pie (Squddle, Jazzy, and Niecelet will not eat pie yet) from this summer's berries. And some loaded cornbread. And since my parents were coming over, I made salsa so I could send a couple jars home with them. And at Squiddle's request, I made hot cocoa. (Making the cocoa and the salsa at the same time was a bit of culinary cognitive dissonance.) But despite cleaning up as I cooked, all day long, I have still ended up with a sink and counter full of dishes, waiting for the dishwasher to be done. Le sigh.
Yesterday, however, I gallivanted! I picked up a present for my sister, did some grocery shopping at Winco, popped through two different St. Vincent de Pauls, picked up some things I needed at Joann Fabrics (largely to complete Squiddle's Christmas quilt), and some other things (picture hangers, Citrustrip, etc.) at Lowe's.
My thrifting score included two bedside tables for the guest room! They're badly painted over, with the drawers poorly decoupaged with pages from a poetry book. They are, in fact, what the aforementioned Citrustrip is for. But they're solid wood with lovely lines, and I hope to get to work on them this week. I also found a couple pairs of trousers apiece for the boys, some fabric, about a dozen quilting magazines, a new duvet cover, a vintage pillowcase, a kitchen towel, and a couple of Christmas tree ornaments.
One amusing moment this afternoon: when all three of the short people were wearing us adults down with the running and screaming, I busted out the paint and wooden paint-ables. Amazing instant silence as they all worked on their projects. Me, to my mother, a bit too smugly: "Twenty bucks at the dollar store." :) I think I might've convinced her to get some paint and paint-ables for the days she watches Niecelet.
And, to turn this post back to the quilting I usually post about here, a couple pictures from recent projects!
I love this starry blue fabric from the back of my sister's 16-patch quilt. I also love the line/circles/line quilting I did through the three borders.
And this is the fabric for and script quilting I did in the border of Jazzy's dinosaur quilt. If you look carefully, you can read "triceratops." (And see one at the bottom of the fabric, and one at the right.)