Little boys got baths last night and clean jammies and I changed their bedsheets and pillowcases as well, surprising Squiddle when he came into his room after his bath. He didn't understand that changing his bed meant different pillowcases as well, I guess? Jazzy opted to keep the same quilt he's been sleeping under, but Squiddle wanted a change, so I dug out one of the more bohemian quilts I've done - a scrappy vintage top with fabrics dating probably from the 1950s through the 1970s. The more important factor, to me, was the flannel backing. Why? We have central heating! They're not going to need the extra warmth! Sometimes what the instincts want has nothing to do with reality.
Yesterday I went out-and-about and got food for our Christmas Eve dinner, as well as stocking stuffers and chalkboard labels, since at this point we are largely a gift bag family. I've grown to dislike the sheer waste of wrapping paper and have been shifting us over for a few years now. But we don't have quite enough gift bags on the large end of things, so four presents got wrapping paper regardless
And I finished, washed, and wrapped Squiddle's quilt! All done. Seven quilts for Christmas - everyone who will be here tomorrow gets one this year.
The house is cleaner than it was, all the pots and pans are washed and put away, the kitchen counters are clear, the duck eggs are hard boiled, the shrimp is in the sink thawing, the jello chilling out in the garage (with a towel over it; the fridge was full) and all I need to do in the morning is prep cold foods. And possibly send Wonderful Husband to Costco for a cheesecake.
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