Sunday, November 11, 2018

One Step Forward, One Step Back

Wonderful Husband found a cable to connect my phone to my computer, but it still doesn't work.  The first thing on the troubleshooting site he found suggested "try another cable"!

So, in order to get the Block Party display and handouts done for guild on Tuesday night, I e-mailed myself all five photos I'd taken of the block construction sets.  For November I offered batik butterflies:

I love the block, but I'm not expecting to get a great many turned in on Tuesday.  Applique blocks never seem as popular as pieced.  So for December's block I chose the pieced Northwinds block, in either red or green:

It's 9" finished, so none of the pieces are small, but, honestly, I'm not expecting a blockbuster response to this one either because of all the half-square triangles.

Meantime, our house buyers dropped out because their loan ended up being declined.  So we're back on the market! :/  Ah well, at least that means the house is pristine and being kept that way.  And since the kitchen counter is clear, today I cut out pieces there for the Giant Geese block exchange (this is the final month).  Oh my I love cutting at that counter height!  Even better than at the dining table. I have made a mental note.

I have a hankering to be piecing, but I have three quilt tops that need to be turned into quilts first.  So I have a plan:

  1. finish the geese blocks
  2. label, baste, quilt, and bind the autumn quilt
  3. piece and label the back for the next Ugly quilt
  4. piece and label the back for Niecelet's Christmas gift quilt
  5. piece Block Lotto blocks.
  6. acquire more batting
  7. quilt the Vintage Ugly
  8. quilt Niecelet's Christmas gift quilt
  9. feel free to proceed on whatever I want to sew next
Of course, you know what they say about plans....

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