Sunday, November 25, 2018


Thanksgiving happened, it was awesome, nothing went wrong except the whipped cream half deflating at the end.  Que sera sera.  This year was a rather small crowd - myself, Wonderful Husband, Squiddle, Jazzy, my parents, my two cousins on my mom's side, and one cousin's boyfriend.  We put the leaf in the dining table, hauled in the long wood card table, tableclothed 'em both, set them slanty and put all the food on the kitchen counters buffet style.

There was turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, succotash, green beans, carrots, corn bread, both chunky and smooth cranberry sauces, mahi mahi for the ovo-pescatarian cousin (and vegetarian versions of the stuffing, succotash, and gravy for her as well), and pumpkin and apple pies for dessert with whipped cream and ice cream to go with.

I almost needed bigger counters.

But that utterly wiped me out.  It took a day to recover - a day during which I donated blood, and picked up fabric for Squiddle's Christmas present quilt.  And today I took advantage of continuing post-Thanksgiving sales and picked up a 20 yard roll of batting, which I will need to make any of the Christmas quilts!

Also today, I cut out the pieces for Jazzy's Christmas quilt:

And I maaaaay have also started cutting the pieces (not pictured above) for Wonderful Husband's Christmas quilt while he was out.  Shhhh!  Top secret!

(Egads, four quilts to do in four weeks.  Better get cracking!  At least Niecelet's quilt top is done.)

This evening, whilst Wonderful Husband entertained the boys by playing a bit of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I made registration marks and finished the last bit of quilting on the Autumn Colors quilt, and sewed the binding on.  And found out I'd mismeasured the (fortunately scrappy) binding by a whole side.  I went out to the garage, dug out the bag of bindings, found two pieces that were in the right colorway, stitched them on, and had like two inches left over.  Score!

And I did a tiny bit of holiday decorating.  I hung my Christmas Landing quilt just inside the front door:

Wonderful Husband was far more productive, and put up the outdoor lights as well as the string around the crown moulding in the boys' room.

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