Monday, May 4, 2020

May the Fourth Be With You

So over the weekend I picked up the lumber for two more garden beds.  On Sunday, between rain showers, we constructed one in the pergola:

Since the ground was still very wet, we left it there overnight and until this afternoon, letting the grass and dirt dry up a bit.  Then Wonderful Husband and I hauled it over and nestled it in place:

Now I need to separate the dirt from the grass in that heap in the background, and then dig up the third bed right where the heap is.

Today was also a walk on the beach day, followed by McDonald's for the boys, and a prescription pickup.  These days I'm really happy that our local Rite-Aid has a drive-through!  I also finished sewing another four cloth masks, these ones with halter-style drawstrings.  Sadly, Wonderful Husband thinks the drawstrings (cut from the width of fabric) are just a touch too short, but they're perfect for me, because I hated tying the knots on the bottom stings and getting my loose hair caught up in them.  I also experimented with making an extra pocket and putting a twist tie or two in to help the masks fit better to the nose, but the twist ties appear to be too lightweight to do any good when worn.  Oh, for my jewelry wire to experiment with!  Oh, for my lucet to make long drawstrings!  They're all out in the garage.  SOMEWHERE.

And!  Tomorrow is my parents' moving day!  It's kind of sad, because they've sold the house my grandparents bought when my mother was a teenager.  Our family's the only ones who've owned it up until now.  65 years!  But I'll be really happy to have my parents sort of nearby again, and I know my sister and my boys are looking forward to it too.  (Squiddle today asked when we were going to see Nana and Gampa, and I had to explain that they wouldn't be up here for about another week.)  And I think my parents are looking forward to being near their kids and grandkids again.

Also, sorry to my sister-in-law, who I think reads this, but Squiddle doesn't like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  We tried showing it to him and Jazzy today.  Jazzy didn't mind the film but Squiddle said he didn't want to watch it again until he's my age.  (I think we'll try again a bit sooner than that.  Maybe in 2-3 years he'll like it better.)

1 comment:

  1. How can he not like it! :'( I can maybe understand, it hasnt got any Minecraft Creepers in it :P
