Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tuesday, Wednesday...

Ugh.  Despite going to bed at a reasonable hour, I keep almost dropping off in the afternoon.  On Tuesday, this led the the unfortunate event where Jazzy found the small knife Wonderful Husband had left on the kitchen counter (it was used to cut up lunch quesadillas), took it, opened the pantry door, and repeatedly shiv'ed a bag of flour.  Sigh.  At least it was only flour.  And this is why the knife block and the steak knives are stored out of range of the boys, and why I put dirty knives into the sink as soon as they're done with.

I'm bashing my head against the next watercolor project I want to do, so that's on hold.

I pulled out the Celestial Picture cross-stitch I finished while in England, and washed, ironed, and blocked it preparatory to lacing it around sound acid-free backing board to go into a frame... and I discovered it fits the frame.  But not with any room for a mat, and embroidery needs matting when behind glass.  Sigh again.  So I need to go to Michaels at some point and get a frame and matting and  if I have to have them custom-make a frame I'll probably have to let them do it all and they won't lace it, they'll tape it to the backing, which I don't want, and just... ugh.  Sigh.  Maybe I'll just go and look for a frame first, bring it home and cut the backing board, lace the embroidery cloth onto it, and then go back and have them do a mat?  If I can find a frame that will work.

(And I shouldn't really be going to Michaels anyway because of coronavirus, but OTOH I kind of don't want to roll or fold the embroidery back away and deal with this all again some months down the line.)

I found a couple other almost-done embroidery projects, but lack the motivation to work on them (and I can't find the ones I was looking for, or my counted linen.  Must scour more boxes.), so I've picked up the runner I was embroidering in my spare moments, and have been putting more stitches into that instead.

Yardwork is kind of stalled for now because the yard waste bin is full and doesn't get picked up until Monday morning.  But my radishes have popped up!  And at least one of the jalapeno plants has decided it's good with the transplant, so hurray!

And my parents are en route from SoCal.  They were trying to drive all the way from Fountain Valley to over the southern Oregon border today.  They started at 5:30am.  I think they're insane.

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