Monday, May 14, 2018

A Late Spring Cleaning?

Two patches out of seven sewn on to the king-sized quilt top.  I didn't get anything basted today, but I did tear apart and start reorganizing my sewing area.  This act included two totes' worth of fabrics (and some beads and cross-stitch patterns) to be dumped on the freebies table at guild next month, with whatever is left to go to the Bargain Basement at Costume College.  And two bags of yarn to give to my guild president, since I know she crochets.  The sewing area is only about half back together, and I know there's more still I should cull, but already I'm feeling a bit lighter.

My aunt called this evening to let me know that her mother loved the quilt, and that "they all agreed" ("they" here meaning, I assume, all four sisters and their mother) that I should enter the quilt in the county fair.  Well... why not?  For my own mother, the boys and I got her some gift cards to the garden center, which she seemed pleased by.  I think she has a project in mind.

And Mom also recently passed on to me The Shop on Blossom Street, by Debbie Macomber.  I've been curious about her books, since I see them in passing at the thrift shops often enough.  And reading it, it fit very well into the milieu of craft-themed books that I enjoy, even though this was focused on knitting and I don't knit.  I may've stayed up late last night, completely absorbed in the last quarter of the book....  At any rate, if I find other of her books for cheap, I'll probably pick them up to read and pass on to my mother in turn.

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