Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Busy Stuffs

Over the weekend I got the Christmas Landing wallhanging basted and I have it about half quilted... just the two borders to do.  I pulled out one of my grandmother's cable templates out and will be using that for the outer border.  I got a chalk pounce for $2 at last month's Orange Grove Quilt Guild meeting, so I'm planning to experiment with that and see how well it works.

We've been wrestling with several things lately.  One of which is getting Squiddle toilet-trained.  He's been doing so well with not wetting himself overnight that last night he got to wear big boy undies to bed, rather than the overnight diapers.  So, of course, this morning he wet the bed for the first time. :/  Sigh.  We invited Murphy in, I guess.

We've also been dealing with the school district.  Squiddle's supposed to start Transitional Kindergarten (pre-K) in fall, but his assigned school is very poorly rated.  And the system is sufficiently labyrinthine that we missed the deadline to request a transfer.  So now we need to decide - does he not go to TK (it's not required), do we try for a fall transfer (which means he goes to that school for 2-3 weeks and then gets uprooted to a better one), or do we let him attend the assigned school for a full year and then transfer him (it's only TK)?

Corollary to the school district woes, we've also accepted it's time to move.  We want to be in a better school district, in a house with either one more bedroom or a dedicated office.  The thing is, I love our home and all that we've done to it in the last eight years, and all that we could still do to it, but... even if we built on to it, we can't improve the schools.  So now we're faced with cleaning, repairing, selling.  The realtor who helped us buy Greenwood is coming out on Friday and we hope he can tell us where we should be focusing our money on improvements prior to selling.  On the bright side, this is sure helping me decide to lighten the load and purge stuff!

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