Sunday, May 13, 2018

From No-Jo to Sew-Jo

I thought I wanted to take some of the fabric I got from the freebies table at guild and see how large a top I could make from it.  I really did!  Vague plans to donate it to the Quilts For Kids table, etc.  I even started cutting.

But then... I just had no mojo.  I found part of the kitchen counter.  I pushed the boys on the swings. I did dishes and dishes and dishes.  I finally sterilized the toys that were in the tub when Jazzy pooped during his bath.  So I was productive.  Just not with anything that fed my artistic soul.

So when Wonderful Husband asked what I wanted for Mother's Day, I thought I might ask for the time/space to get a couple quilts basted.  I have the Bonnie Hunter Jamestown Landing wallhanging ready to go.  But if I'm asking him to, say, take the boys to the park for a bit, I want to get at least one bigger quilt prepped too.

And then I remembered that, in among the way too many quilt tops I have made or acquired, I have two my grandmother made that I really should do something with.  So I pulled things off my shelving unit (they're still all over the floor), found the correct bin, and dug to the bottom.

One is a sampler quilt which, hey, now I know where I got many of those fabrics from!  Wonderful Husband agreed with me when I mentioned maybe adding some borders onto it.

The other is a king-size finished top alternating Puss in the Corner blocks with Kaleidoscope blocks, all in that wonderful late '80s/early '90s dusty rose and blue palette.  (And, again, playing "hey, there's that fabric from my stash!")  Only, two of the Puss in the Corner rectangles and five of the Kaleidoscope kites have torn/been cut/shredded.  They're none of them the same fabric or tear pattern, either, so I don't know!  But I found some close-enough matches for the rectangles, and picked out one fabric to do all the kites in.  One rectangle is now whip-stitched over the shredded one, and the other is pinned and ready to go.  The kites will be trickier, as I'll need to template them first, but I think they're doable.  And I have a king batting I've had set aside, and I think I've even got a length of yardage which might do for the backing.  I might not have this ready to baste this weekend, but hopefully soon.

But hoo boy.  This is going to be the biggest thing by far that I've ever tackled quilting!

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