Today's word count: 605.
When I got up this morning, during the quiet hour and a half before anyone else rose, I worked more on quilting the wallhanging.
I was having some bobbin tension issues, so eventually I tried to tighten the bobbin case screw, only to find that the (gun) screwdriver kit I have for sewing machine maintenance did not have anything tiny enough for the bobbin screw! So I rummaged through Wonderful Husband's office, since I knew there's a glasses repair kit in there somewhere. However, as he's been doing a massive clean and tidy in there this week, I couldn't find it. But I did find a box cutter, which I made work.
And I got the wallhanging trimmed, and the binding sewn on. I must say, my usual method of machine-stitching the binding on both sides goes faster, but I suppose I wanted a finer finish on this? In any case, I only stitched one length of thread down because it occurred to me that it might be a good project to do while sitting in Squiddle's room and silently keeping him on target for schoolwork this week.
And I got two more blocks for the Vintage Valentine done. Since there was a bit of red binding left over from the wallhanging, I tossed it into the mix. I think it works well on that upper block.
Next, I reset my machine and start in on the baby quilts!
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