Monday, January 20, 2020

Rag Quilt Progress

Well, I got the rag quilt sewn together and bound yesterday:

In hindsight, maybe I should have swapped around my choices for brights?  Because those two plaids touching diagonally in the center are a wee bit distracting.  But I suppose I would've had two plaids kissing each other like that no matter where I placed them.

The binding is another scrap of flannel, one that wasn't wide enough for me to cut any 8" squares out of, and the pale blue backing with yellow stars is (a) consistent throughout, and (b) something I've actually already backed a different quilt of Squiddle's with.  I got about half the clipping done yesterday, being careful to quit when it would've hurt my hand, and I'll try to get the rest done today.

I'm also currently considering Costume College.  I really would like to go again this year, but we're no longer living in California, and depending on when my parents move up here, there's the question of am I taking the boys with me to visit them again?  Am I staying with them and commuting, or entering the roommate lottery and paying for hotel as well as flights?  Plus, costumes.  I have two inside my head that I'd like to do, but who knows where the patterns and fabric are....  (Well, I know.  In boxes, in the garage, probably labelled.)  And I'd like to make Leia's costume from Rise of Skywalker, but that will have to wait until I have the movie and can freeze-frame and analyze.  None of the screencaps or costume images I can find online show it from the back, and I remember there was something interesting there.

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