Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Inanity of Me

So in kitting up the Evergreen blocks for Friday, I maaaaaay have miscalculated.  4.5" + 5(1.5") does not equal 9"!  So one of the strips of green I had chosen, I ran out, two 1.5" squares shy!  There was no more of that particular green in the box of 1.5".  Nor the 2", 2.5", or 3.5" boxes.  So in desperation, I dug through the boxes in garage, looking for my 1.5" squares project bags.  I located the bag!  Success!

...Except there was only one more square in the bag.

But wait!  There were also seven Idaho Square Dance blocks (which, hey, Bonnie Hunter blogged about yesterday).  And one of them had the green square I needed on the outside.


So now I just need to sew one replacement green square back onto that block.  And it's just as well I found those blocks anyway, since I like the Idaho Square Dance blocks for baby quilts and one of my cousins is expecting a baby girl in March.  (Said cousin is, wow, twelve years younger than me.  Not that I have any close-age cousins; after me and my sister, the next relly in my generation is eight years my junior.  Which is part of why I wanted my boys to live closer to at least one of their aunts and her daughter.  I'm pretty much strangers with all four of the cousins and the three spouses among them on my dad's side, and I'd like my children to have more family than just each other someday when I'm gone.)

So as I'm putting things back in the garage, these get to stay out:

Even if I'm not close to my cousin, I want to make her baby a quilt.

AND I finally got around to sewing on replacements of the seven buttons Jazzy popped off one of the duvet covers last summer.  He just tucked his feet inside, looked me dead in the eye, slid down off the edge of the bed and they went flying!  As most of them were ripped right out of the fabric, there were holes, so I had to sew two buttons on, one on the front and one on the back.

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