Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Bits and Pieces

Let's see.  The state of Washington is now under lockdown.  Which I have no problems with.  I think my mother and sister are annoyed, though, that I'm choosing to obey the restrictions rather than take the boys and go to the inspection of my parents' new house today.  And my parents leave to go home to California tomorrow, but it's not like they won't be moving back up here in one to two months.  So, no, I'm not sorry that I'm choosing not to be a contagion vector.  (And, I mean, my sister is a nurse!  She should know and understand how these things work.  But OTOH she doesn't vote either because she doesn't think it has any effect on who gets elected.  At least she's not an anti-vaxxer.)

Yesterday I didn't get much done other than pruning away at the farther apple tree.  Which is starting to look a little better.  There's one more branch I want to take out for this year, as it rubs against five others, but it's about four feet out of reach, so I'm waiting for another dry day when I can take the ladder out and not worry about slipping off it.  I also powerwashed the lattice fence around the propane tank, which, UGH.  The vibrations of the power-washer do not do my arm any favors.  So I've told Wonderful Husband that henceforth it's his tool.  I only got half the lattice done, and resorted to hand-washing what of the tank I could reach with a dish scrubber, then rinsing it off.  It's ever so much cleaner now.

We did get a brief spate of hail yesterday!  That was unexpected and fun.  But predicted temperatures are warm enough that I've finally taken all my over-wintering plants out to the patio.

I've been quizzing Squiddle on his vocabulary words, which he is doing quite well at, and yesterday we got out the watercolors!




I was pleasantly surprised by how dark the colors could get.  But the printer paper wasn't the greatest to work on, so I've ordered some watercolor paper for us, and some real brushes.

Jazzy kept dipping his brush into the water cup and sucking on it, so he ended up having naptime a little early, after "no" led to a bit of a meltdown.

As for the rest, I'm still working at the Quarantine Quilt (yesterday's block) and the Crown of Thorns blocks, in between other things.:

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