Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Thrifted Treasures and Potential Projects

As my reward for yesterday, this morning I went up to Port Orchard and hit up a couple of thrift stores.  At Goodwill I found this for $13:

I think it might work for a craft filing system in the workroom/playroom/library.  I also went over to St. Vincent de Paul, where they had a 7-drawer Singer 66 treadle machine (in, admittedly, fairly good condition) for $500.  Which is waaaaay overpriced.  I ended up coming away with these instead:

Two of the publications are vintage crochet booklets.  The third is about macrame; I've sort of been thinking about plant hangers, and for $.25 each, this was a good price point to learn the theory.  The pot was $4, the red fabric two yards for three dollars (Squiddle wants a red quilt), and the light fabric is at least six yards for five dollars, so that'll likely be a backing for something.

After I got home, I dumped all the oceanic fabrics into a basket and started sorting them.  I'm thinking about a Thousand Pyramids quilt.  If I cut from 4.5" strips, it would take 990 equilateral triangles and 44 end triangles to make a bed-sized quilt.  The pile on the left are the fabrics that are big enough to cut some triangles from.  The fabrics in the basket are all too small. :(

I also bit the bullet and ordered the first of the fruit trees I want to add to the property: a Vandalay mini dwarf cherry for eating, a Montmorency mini dwarf cherry for cooking, and a combination European plum tree to complete the four-square with our apple trees and the quince/pear tree.  I debated with myself whether or not to go with a plum or a persimmon for that spot (I really love non-astringent persimmons) but in the end decided to go with something that wouldn't have to be harvested at the same time as the apples and quinces and pears.

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