Saturday, March 14, 2020

Thrifted Treasures!

Yesterday was kind of a not good day.  I have fairly bad periods, and that combined with a cold, rainy day and staring down six weeks of no school left me in a not-good place.  It was not helped by trying to go to Costco midday, and just turning around in the parking lot because there was no point.  There was no parking.  UGH.  And I received an e-mail letting me know the Quilters By The Bay meeting later this month is cancelled.  I ended up falling asleep with Jazzy at his naptime, and that helped a bit.

So!  I mentioned the other day going to the thrift store, which is probably not going to happen again for a while, so I thought I'd show off my treasures!  I ended up with a really really good haul this time, which doesn't always happen.  A lot of times I go and walk away completely empty-handed.  I just don't blog about those trips since they're kind of null experiences.

This time I ended up going to two thrift stores.  The first was the St. Vincent de Paul up in Bremerton, which I don't go to as often because it's farther away.  But I was up there anyway to shop at Winco, and it's fairly close to there.  Then I went to the St. Vincent de Paul in Port Orchard on the way home.  And, making me sad, the 1920 house that I drive by every time I go to that shop was being torn down that day.  I want to adopt old neglected houses and fix them; seeing them destroyed makes me sad.

So!  Onto cheerier thoughts.  I purchased two quilting magazines for a quarter each.  The one on the right, I didn't realize until I got it home, is so new it's still on the newstands!  The canning jars were also a quarter each, plus ten cents more for the pint jar.  The little blue bowl was $.75 and the copper and blue glass decoration $1.50.  It's not balanced correctly to spin; I need to take a look at it and use my jewelry pliers, probably.  The baskets were $1.25 and $3.50.

St. Vincent de Paul in Port Orchard also had a plethora of donated cross-stitch kits and patterns.  I dug through them and picked out the ones that spoke to me.  There were all ten cents, except for the leftmost one, which is a complete kit that cost $2.

Linens were 25% off!  I grabbed these five pillowcases for $.19 each!  The top two are so soft, and the three on the bottom are hand-embroidered!

I also got these two hand-embroidered table runners.  One was marked as a pillowcase ($.19 again) and the other was $.94.  No holes or spots on any of these things.

And, finally, a bit of vintage fabric for $.75 that I grabbed mainly because I'm pretty sure I have some vintage quilt tops that may need a bit of similar-age fabric for patches.

And, amusing to me at least, the $500 not-included-in-any-sales seven-drawer Singer 66 treadle machine was now priced at $90, and marked as being part of the linen department.  So it, too, was 25% off.  If I didn't already have a seven-drawer treadle I need to figure out a place for, I'd have been sincerely tempted....

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