Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sticks with Potential

Yesterday I unpacked the fruit trees from their box, plunked them in a bucket of water to soak their roots for a few hours, then, in the afternoon, when the sun was shining, I dug holes in the ground and planted them.

Here is the plum tree, with our two apple trees behind it and the quince/pear tree to the right:

There are actually FIVE varieties of plum on the tree!  Green Gage, Seneca, Schoolhouse, Victoria, and Mt. Royal.

And here is the Vandalay cherry, which hasn't branched out any yet:

And the Montmorency pie cherry:

Our property is on a slight slope, so you can see that for all three trees I used the moss/grass I dug up, as well as all the rocks, to make a berm on the downward side of the slope so that water will stay with the trees and not just run off.

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