Saturday, December 29, 2018

Some Sewing, Some Fandom

No pictures today, but some sewing did get done.  I laid out the Giant Geese (4"x8") I received in the block exchange I ran with my guild today, and discovered that my counting skills are shite.  Rather than the 90 I needed for the spiral layout, I have... 111.  After weeding out as many duplicates as I could while still maintaining something of a light/dark/light/dark distribution, I figure I can use the extras on the back.  So I started sewing those rows together, as well as working on the Wheel of Fortune blocks.  I finished the first WoF block and cut the light pieces I need for a second.

AND I went to see Bumblebee.  I've been a Transformers fan since the 1980s, but I gave up Bayverse after seeing Dark of the Moon, because that was the tipping point when the series went from "not good, but interesting" to "this is bad, you cannot make me watch any further."  And I ended up with FEELINGS about this movie, because it was actually GOOD.  And a love letter to the cartoon series.  And a love letter to those of us girls who weren't supposed to like things that were for boys, but did anyway.

GAH.  I wish LiveJournal hadn't gone to heck after being bought by the Russians, because right now I am really REALLY missing the community of female Transformers fans who found one another there... I want my fandom friends back.  I want to talk with them about this film, and analyze and dissect it with them, and remake our community to what it once was.  I hate the diaspora.

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