Sunday, December 16, 2018

Tink, Again

Today was a bit of hustle and bustle of housecleaning in the morning, then getting out so two sets of potential buyers could look at the house.  While we were out and about, we helped my mother get her Christmas decorations out of the rafters, as well as setting up her tree for her.

But I did get a bit of sewing in.  Here's the quilt top as it stands (lays?) now:

I am a bit miffed that I cut one Tink cameo in half (seam on the upper left) but given I didn't realize it until I had sewn that entire side... I was not going to rip out 56" of seam, cut a new piece, and sew it in, not when I was going to be the only one who cared.

On the other hand, this pleases me:

See the seam?  Where is it?  No?  Good.  Looking at it from the other direction:

 Aha, there the seam is! I tried out a new pattern-matching technique and it worked like a charm.  Both the top and bottom border have two joins in them, and they're effectively invisible.  What you do is: 1) find the matching point for two strips; 2) iron the fold of the match point on one of the strips; 3) place it atop the second strip and glue it down (I have some fabric basting glue); 4) when the glue is cured, open it up and sew right on the fold line; 5) trim away the excess and press.  I can't remember where I learned the technique, other than it was on one of the blogs in my sidebar, but it's genius and it works!

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