Friday, April 10, 2020

Easter Eggs!

So!  Yesterday, I steamed fourteen eggs because that's what fits in the pot.

Squiddle ate one and Jazzy ate four before they even got to the fridge.  (Jazzy is still only eating the whites, so calorically I suppose he only ate two, but volumetrically I was down four.)

The reason I cooked up another batch of eggs was so that we could experiment with this:

(They all have H written on them in Sharpie because that's how my mother always identified the hard-boiled ones in our fridge, and thus how I do it, and Wonderful Husband marked them before realizing I was planning to dye them.)

This afternoon I broke out one of the dollar store egg dying packets and the boys and I did the above!  Experimenting a little with things like, the longer the egg stays in the dye bath, the darker it becomes.  And then after we were done, they both wanted an egg, so they learned that the dye stays on the shell and doesn't color the whites or yolk.

(Given that Squiddle is still sometimes asking me to make Green Eggs and Ham, this seemed an important lesson.)

I have another dye kit, plus the pots from this left over, plus food dyes, so we'll probably do this again sometime.

I also wrote!  I banged out about a thousand words on a Good Omens crossover with Check, Please!, got it edited by Wonderful Husband, and tossed it up on the usual places.  If anyone wants to read it, you can find it here.

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