Thursday, April 30, 2020

Rain and Shine

Ugh.  Today rained off and on, so no yardwork got done.  But during one of the sunny spates this afternoon I did step outside and take a few pictures!

First are these mystery plants, coming up by where a former owner of this house (to our knowledge, we are owners #3) planted daffodils.  I think these might be lily of the valley?

And here are the blossoms on the quince tree.  They're individual, rather than clusters like the apple and pear blossoms, and are a bit more cuplike.  Not much scent.

And, finally, the planted garden bed.  I'll mulch it soon, but I wanted to give the plants a day or two to get used to their new accommodations and perk up their leaves first.

Also, I finally got around to pressing fabric and cutting out face masks!  I've got four in mid-construction at the moment.  I'll finish them and then decide if I want to adapt the methodology any.

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