Saturday, February 1, 2020

A bit of thrifting, and Costume College panic!

I'm mostly recovered, hooray!  In demi-celebration, demi-cabin fever, I took Jazzy thrifting yesterday.  While Goodwill in Port Orchard was a bust, I did find a few things at St. Vinnie's.

A fitted and flat sheet set for Squiddle's bed, with cute cartoon sharks on them: $4.50.  Five pillowcases, four vintage and one Disney Princess to go with the quilt I need to quilt for Niecelet: $.94.  Two butterfly faux stained glass pieces ($2 each), a mirror to start the wall of mirrors I want to build in our walk-in closet ($3), and a yard and a half of vintage navy (the color, not the military) fabric: $1.50.  A Green Toys tugboat: free toy.  And three more sets of jigsaw puzzle tracks to go with the mini train set we brought back from England: $.50.

The state has for several months now been working on a new bridge over the creek closest to our home.  The work started very shortly after we bought this house.  When the new one is finished and the old one demolished, it will free up something like 25 miles of creek for salmon spawning grounds, which is a big thing in Washington.  (Seriously, it is!  The boys' school has a special tank near the entrance for salmon eggs, surrounded by posters about the salmon life cycle, and there's a state hatchery less than two miles from us.)  Today the new bridge was finally finished and I got to drive across it!  And between when I left and when I came back, the workers had de-asphalted the old bridge.  I'll be interested to watch it being deconstructed.

AND!  Spurred on by the announcement that room reservations are opening tomorrow, I finally talked it over with Wonderful Husband and signed up for this year's Costume College.  Next I get to panic and flail, panic and flail!

I need to dig out my storage bins of costumes (fortunately I know where they are), figure out what I have, what I need, what I want... and then comes going through the boxes of patterns (know where those are) and boxes of non-quilting fabrics (know where those are, too) and addressing the discrepancy between where I am and where I want to be by July.  So... just under six months.  Can I do it?  Theoretically yes.  Practically, I know I won't get everything done.

I've never gone to the Saturday night Gala.  I don't want to take time away from classes to go to the Sunday afternoon Tea.  And the one time I went to the Friday night Social, I was miserable.  That leaves possibly the Thursday night pool party (theme: Swimwear Through the Ages) and Sunday Brunch (theme: Gibson Girl Breakfast Party).  Aaaaand... I don't really care about either of those themes.  (I miss when the brunch was Sunday Undies.)

So, had I my druthers, I'd have a nice, pretty costume for each of the three days.  For one, I'd like a new t-tunic.  I already have the chemise for it, and I know I have some fairly lightweight wool in one of my boxes.  I just have to get over my sewing-with-wool phobia.  For two, I'd love to do a Regency dress: the hot pink silk for a bodiced petticoat, and the acid-burned butterfly fustian for the gown.  I think I have a chemise for that period also.  For three.... I don't really know for three.  Something comfortable, cool, and capable of being made solo.  I must think on this.  Maybe something 1920s?  (Maybe I'll luck out and get inspired by rediscovering my stash...)

Meantime, my sewing machine oil has arrived, so time to give my Singer 15 a good lubricating.

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