Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Warm Wednesday

It's harder to do crafty things with both boys off school this week.  Usually I get sewing done either during the morning when they're both in school, or sometimes in the afternoon when Jazzy is napping.  Yesterday I managed to get one strip on each of the dozen Log Cabin blocks, and that's it.

Ah well.  At least I'm staying on top of the kitchen!  Which means I'm more inclined to cook.  Yesterday I made some buttermilk banana muffins from a couple bananas I'd frozen when they started to get softer than anyone here would eat.  Win!

I did take the boys to the park again in the afternoon, and it was sunny and warm for a change, so I pulled this out:

It's slow going since this is a take-along project that I really only work on when I'm sitting down somewhere that isn't home.  But one stitch at a time, it's getting done.

After the park, I stopped to pick up the co-op order, and after Wonderful Husband finished his workday, we went up to Port Orchard to pick up the order from the Kitsap co-op, which I wanted to try ordering from since they've got a wider variety of things.  Then up to Bremerton, to check out the Smart Foodservice warehouse, which is sadly more food service oriented than their sister operation, Smart'N'Final, which I really miss from California.  Still, I've found where to get gallon sun tea bags and #10 cans of tomatoes for salsa!  And we ended up having dinner at Family Pancake House, since the Dickey's Barbeque we initially wanted to eat at was closing in less than half an hour.  (And little boys can eat really slowly sometimes.)

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