Sunday, February 16, 2020

Thrift Store Treasures

So I was going to go to the Stokes Auction yesterday and bid on a few things for myself and on behalf of my sister... but given that I woke up with a tension headache which despite painkillers never really went away... yeah, that didn't happen.  I'm not too upset... the only thing I really wanted was a 1928 Singer 99 in a bentwood case, and I honestly need to play more with my other vintage machines anyway.  (But it had its knee bar with it, and I've never had one with that!  Ah well.)

Instead Wonderful Husband drove us all to Lunchbox Laboratory for lunch, and then to the Galaxy Theater to see Spirited Away.  They have these big huge individual recliner chairs with trays... and honestly I'd rather they had simpler seats where I could've raised the armrests and snuggled with a little boy on either side.  Going to a movie does not need to be a dinner experience!  Both boys were good and sat through the entire film.  (Wonderful Husband hadn't wanted to take them both on his own because he worried that Jazzy might not.)  And I'd forgotten that Zeniba is much harsher in her first appearance in the dub than she is in Japanese....

Since I have no pictures of a new-to-me 92-year-old sewing machine to show you, however, let me show you some of what I got during my three-thrift-store adventure with my sister on Friday!  (Where we saw two other vintage Singers... another 99 in a bentwood case for $99, and a 15 in neither case nor table for $75.)

I got a couple of baskets, one of them having already been utilized to organize and corral little boy toys.  A set of placemats.  Some washable finger paints.  And a couple small toys (tiny dinosaur on wheels for Jazzy, and a balance robot for Squiddle).  For mama, however, I found these:

Three new books and a back issue of Piecework (which only cost a quarter, ignore that price sticker).

Two vintage runners, hand-embroidered on linen, and a $.10 pattern for making an indoor playhouse out of a card table.

Left to right: three yards of a 90" wide red fabric, which will make a nice backing.  A yard and a quarter of the orange check, a yard and a half of the floral, which I'm hoping will make a couple bolster pillows for the family room sofa, and a gallon bag of batik scraps.  Most of which are mere strings, but some of which are sizeable enough to make me pleased at the $.75 price.  (Part of me is thinking miniature log cabin blocks with the strings.)

So that was my haul of treasure for the week!  But this morning I should work on the Cloverleaf quilt, now that it's labelled and basted, with binding prepped.  Because this afternoon is a birthday party for one of the neighbor boys at a trampoline park....

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