Saturday, February 22, 2020

A Finish and an In-Progress

Whee, I had a busy Friday!  After the usual morning run of household chores, I took the boys to the Play to Learn session at the Civic Center, then we came home and had lunch, before going over to the Point Defiance Zoo to meet up with my sister and niece.  (And I am very proud that I remembered to bring the duck eggs my sister asked me to order from the co-op.  And remembered to give them to her.  Sometimes I can be forgetful.)  And we were in luck; almost none of the animals were hiding!

After we got back from that, I also remembered to have Wonderful Husband hold up the Cloverleaf quilt for a finished photograph:

I'm planning to show it off at guild this week, and then Wonderful Husband can ask his friend for his address, and I can get it mailed off.

In the evening, after dinner, I also sat down and finished my first dozen log cabin blocks:

They're all pressed but not yet trimmed.  I think they'll have to be checked for that later, after I've sewn more of them, as at least a couple strips were wonky.  Which I realized after I'd sewn them on....


  1. What a great quilt! I am a huge fan of Log Cabins - so those just made my day! glad you had a good one and remembered the duck eggs - ha ha!
