Friday, February 7, 2020

New Day, New Project (Kinda)

After getting both boys off to school and seeing Wonderful Husband off to the dentist, I got to work and hauled all the stuff I wanted immediately outta the way out to The Barn.  Then I put that last set of shelves together out in the garage and started organizing things.  I've got most of it done now, including about half those boxes from the family room out on the shelves.  Unfortunately, I discovered why I had stacked them in front of that wall: holes and level lines from where the last set of owners had their TV mounted to the wall.  Sigh.  I need to spackle and paint....

After that spate of productivity, I finished the pillowcase to go with the Disney Star quilt and tossed it all through the wash with a couple color catchers.  Both of which came out magnificently pink!  Which is why I use 'em.

Then I started in on the next project:

I have no memory relative to acquiring this quilt top.  It's a hand-sewn nine-patch, made probably in the 1950s or 1960s, going by the fabric.  There was one place I had to patch a rip in the sashing, matching the orange as best I could.  It's already partially quilted - my label on the back indicates I expected it to be finished in July of 2018.  I'll clearly need to be making a correction to that!

Thirty of the nine-patches are FMQ'd.  Twenty-four more to go:

But for the next couple days, I'll be tackling straight stitching in the sashing.  Hooray for the walking foot!