Thursday, February 6, 2020

An Honest Afternoon's Work

Yesterday afternoon I had the brilliant idea to try organizing the garage a bit further.  It was not totally unprompted - I got a reminder that my aunt and uncle are going to be visiting at the beginning of March, so I'd like, say, the stack of boxes in the family room to relocate to someplace less conspicuous.

In December, just before we left for England, I went to the monthly Stokes Auction and bought, among other things, a pair of those metal shelves you get at Costco for about 60% of the price of new ones from Costco.  Today, I was determined, I would assemble them and stack the boxes in the garage on them and get it neater and tidier than what was already relatively tidy.

Well, I got halfway.  One of the sets turned out to have been two half-sets.  So instead of a five-shelf-high platform, I had two three-shelf-high platforms.  Still better than the boxes which were stacked two tall!  We already had three full height sets: two we brought up from Cali, and one that came with the house.  We'd never put wheels on our two sets, but still had them, so I was able to add them onto the second half-height set, which is good because it means I can pull them out of the rows for better access.

After getting those two shelves built and stocked, I quit, because I could feel a warning twinge in my shoulders.  Still, accomplishment!  Especially since I also emptied a box of tools (onto the shelves we decided were for tools) and shifted fabric around a couple of half-empty tubs to make room to empty a second cardboard box of yardage into them.

There are five more boxes out in the garage, together with some pieces of furniture.  If I can get the last shelf set built, those can go there, together with some of the boxes in the family room.  But first I have to move all the flattened moving boxes out to The Barn, as they're on top of those remaining boxes!  And while I'm at that, I might as well move the doors I took off the boys' shower out there as well.  (Why on Earth did that shower have sliding doors as well as a bolted-into-the-wall curtain rod??  I opted to take the doors off because it makes using that tub for little boy baths a lot easier.)

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